In the work package on business model development, LEI together with LITGRID AB, Jenabatteries , PISGA, ET and WR has investigated a prosumer business models centered around electrical energy storage (Redox Flow Battery). The major focus was on models which will be validated in a real smart grid environment at the ACRRES test center.
To make this possible, the business logic of the models was transformed to an operational logic for smart grid control. Three business models were designed and will be tested at the test center:
- A microgrid model where economic gain arises from autonomous operation of prosumers’ communities (avoiding costs for grid services).
- An energy trade model where a community sells excess of produced energy to the grid;
- A demand response model where a community changes its storage/generation/load in response to the request of the grid operator.
The operational logic is based on What-If type algorithms.
More information: Arturas Klementavicius, LEI
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