From 13 may 2019 to 24 May 2019 several partners of the EnergyKeeper consortium collaborated in the installation of the battery containers at the Wageningen Research Acrres test site.
The following tasks were performed:
- JenaBatteries installed two containers (power module and storage module) with their respective facilities and connections (power and data connection, hydraulic system and temperature control system). The communication between the Battery Management System, gateway, MQTT broker and HMI was successfully tested.
- Energy Team Spa (ETS) updated gateway’s firmware to allow data exchange needed for maintenance and tests.
- Pisga updated MQTT Broker to allow the communications between BMS and HMI through ETS gateways.
- ICM updated the HMI, developed a new visualization (dashboard) to use in the Battery Test team and coordinated some team tasks.
- ETS and ICM supported Jenabatteries and Pisga to solve communications issues.
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